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Thursday, March 07, 2013


is the greatest rock band in the world!! There I said it and I do not feel ashamed about saying it. I am not going to write a big defense of the band here or try to detail for the doubter why I think this. I am just going to put up some songs from their very first album. I realized as I was listening to 'Finding My Way" on my earlier post from today that I really, really like basically their entire first album. So I thought I would share some highlights of it with you.

What makes this debut album different from their other albums is that they had a different drummer on it, John Rutsey, and the music was written by Lifeson and Lee. The majority of the rest of the Rush albums were written by Neil Peart and you can really see the change in influences with his arrival. This first album is more of a typical mid 70's hard rock album and they hadn't become the prog rock gods that they were destined to be. The two biggest hits on the album were "Finding My Way" which I detailed in a previous blog post and..

"In The Mood" and do not pretend that you didn't dig the cowbell.

But I think there are several solid rock songs on the album. One of my favorites and I love the guitar on it is "Take A Friend" it isn't anything fancy but there is something about the basic straight forwardness of the rocking that I really can get behind.

The song that follows "Take A Friend" is the almost Black Sabbath copy "Here Again", it just chugs along and if you are at all familiar with early Black Sabbath you can totally hear the similarities. Which really isn't that much of a surprise because by the time this album came out in 1974, Black Sabbath had already put out five albums since the release of their debut album in 1970. 


Up next is another song that I just plain really enjoy and that one is called "What You Doing" and this one is more of a faster and harder edged song then the last one. Another solid head banger. I love Lifeson's guitar work on this one. 

The final song on the album is a classic and one that never fails to get me going. I think it is one of their best songs and one that they tend to play in concert pretty regularly because the crowd never fails to get up for it. It is called "Working Man"

Enjoy your day and enjoy listening to one of the great bands. Rush! 

1 comment:

brian said...

There is no shame in speaking the Truth, Lance...