Where Do My Readers Come From?

Friday, April 09, 2010

4-9-2010 (Friday)

It is Friday, Friday, Friday! I hope things are going well for everyone out there in the internet land. I am looking forward to the weekend. It isn't that I have anything planned but I am looking forward to not having anything really to do. I am sure that I will find something to do but I doubt it will be anything all that productive. Though you never know. Perhaps I may get inspired.

It is funny to me that since I bought the new car. I have not been listening to that much NPR or really anything that is new radio in the car. It came with free satellite radio for three months. I thought well that is kind of cool but I do not really care. It was not a selling point for me. It was just something that came with the car. But the problem is that I stumbled across a station that is exclusively directed towards books. Not only do they talk about books and interview authors they also do readings and stage presentations of radio serials.

What I have been listening to in the mornings is a half hour show that does only books by Orson Scott Card. Now some of my readers will have read his books and I am sure that others will never have heard of him. I hate to cut this short but that is all I have time for today. I am hoping to address this later this weekend. So have a nice day.


Van Harvey said...

A station for books? I wonder if it's on my wife's satelite stations... what's it called?

Orsan Scott Card! Alvin Maker... Ender's Game! Oh yeah, definitely heard of him, several books over.

Unknown said...

Hey Van, I am not at all surprised that you have heard of Mr Card. On my XM radio the number for the station is 163 and it is just called Book Radio.