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Friday, July 15, 2011


I think Friday is a good day for some Bowie. I know that for some people David Bowies mix of crazy sexuality and music is just a little too much. But I really love his stuff and the level of talent that he possesses is just incredible as well as the talent of the different people that he has had in his bands over the years. Here are a few of my favorites of his.

Space Oddity is a song that just sticks with you. I love that it tells a story and that it is just so freaking strange. I love that Major Tom just bails out of the spaceship.

Oh you pretty things is just a great song. So good.

Man this movie. I can still watch it and say it is horrible but it just fascinates me.


Christopher R Taylor said...

I don't care for Bowie's Ziggie Stardust era stuff, but after that he got really good. Bowie is really brilliant, and unlike most rockers he's been carefully saving and investing his money. As a result he's worth like a kabillion dollars.

Unknown said...

That is funny, because I much prefer his Ziggy Stardust stuff to his later Let's Dance era.

Steve said...

Lance is right. Listen to Lance.

Unknown said...

Thanks Steve. :)