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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday Thoughts

I realize that I am supposed to be writing something today. But so far nothing is springing to mind. I am not feeling inspired by my disgust with a television show or an actor. There does not appear to be a film coming out soon that I have not already highlighted in some form or the other.

I am actually bored of writing about politics. While I firmly believe that we need to vote and that we need to stay informed. It really is feeling to me like what is going on in politics is just more of the same old same old. The hard core believers on the right or the left continue to get worked up about different bills and potential laws and meanwhile nothing really changes. We have had a "liberal" Democrat as President now since Jan 20th 2009. The way gun and ammunition sales spiked after he won you would have that that the world was coming to an end. Well it is 2011 and we still seem to be cranking along.

During his inaugural speech President Obama said this"

"It’s been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to America."

Really? Has that happened? Honestly? Has change come to America? Things do not look all that different to me. Oh wait, wait, Osama bin Laden is dead!! So I suppose that makes up for the last two years of business as usual in Washington. I think more and more that it doesn't matter in America who the President is. The people who have most if not all of the power are the people in Congress. I know that I made the same argument when Bush was in office and I really feel like after seeing these last two years of lots of noise and people getting so angry that it just doesn't seem to matter.

My life has not changed politically at all. I have conservative friends worried about things. I have liberal friends worried about things. But, nothing is that different. We are still in armed conflicts around the world, people still need jobs, and lots and lots of people get sick and die who probably could be saved if they had access to some kind of affordable medical care. These are things that have been the same in America for the last 5 Presidents or longer. All that has changed is the political party that the people can complain about and that most of the time feels like a change in name only.

So there you go. A little taste of cynical Lance today. I think I am getting a cold and that maybe what is causing all of the angst.

"Awwww thanks Dr Kat but I do not think I need a prescription for Valium". Lance said as he lay back on the couch. "Do I look like a housewife from the sixties?"


Christopher R Taylor said...

President Obama ran on a platform of change, and to a certain degree, he was right: he did represent change. The problem is the change he represents wasn't the change he presented in his campaign nor was it the change most of his voters hoped it would be.

His themes of ridding government of waste, increasing transparency, ending partisanship, and working for the people were all very attractive to everyone.

The problem is, what he really wanted was to change... back to the old leftist tax and spend radicalism people have rejected over and over in the past. He changed things all right, he changed them for the worse.

The only choice we have is to keep voting for people who seem to be honestly interested in doing the right thing, then firing them when they do not. Its that or apathy - which is how we got this bad to begin with - or revolution, which probably would end up much worse.

Next time, all you Obama voters, just show a little bit more discernment okay? It wasn't that hard to see through his rap.

Steve said...

Really? Might want to double-check those tax rates...

Christopher R Taylor said...

I presume you're refering to the two year temporary increase in deductions that were applied in the "stimulus" package. Those have not only expired, but were not a reduction in the tax rates. President Obama has already signed into law several tax increases, including cigarette taxes.

Tax and spend.

Sherry said...

I heart the cat with the bow time and will vote for Obama again. :)

Carl Fisher said...

Unless FDR or Harry Truman come back from the grave I will most likely be voting for President Obama. That is not to say I have not been disappointed on several occasions over the last three years, but I live and participate in an imperfect system.

Unknown said...

I agree it is an imperfect system and I am glad that Obama was elected over McCain but I do not know if I will be voting for him again. I feel like he gave up the fight and that there just was not enough change for me. I also really, really was unhappy with his choice of Joe Biden for VP.