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Wednesday, February 06, 2013

More Musical Randomness (Wed)

Well, I hope you folks enjoyed the 1st edition on Monday of Musical Randomness. I am really looking forward to continuing the journey and seeing what pops up today and what my thoughts are going to be about the differing songs and musical artists.

1: Friday Night In America - New Grass Revival - This is a band that I actually enjoy a lot. But there music is certainly not for everybody. They are kind a more modern take on blue grass but are also a little bit gospel like in terms of their overall message. This song is not as gospel sounding as some of their others. I enjoy the banjo in it quite a bit as well.

2: Get It Hot - ACDC - Well I can safely say that this is not one of my favorite ACDC songs. I like ACDC a lot but this just is not one of their, shall I say, most inspired numbers both lyrically and musically. It is basically the title of the song repeated over and over again. Which I suppose you can say about most of their songs but for some reason I find this one far more annoying then I have some of their classic songs like 'Back in Black."

3: Oh! You Pretty Things - David Bowie - There is not much that I can say about this one other then that it is one of the best of David Bowies many, many great songs. I would recommend just sitting back and enjoying it in it's sublimeness. I love this song.

4: Ache: No Doubt - Now this brings back some fond memories. I used to listen to No Doubt all of the time.I believe that this is coming off of their first or second album. Which are okay as far as Orange County Ska goes but really their best album in my opinion is 'Tragic Kingdom'. My favorite part of that album is that Gwen Stefani had written it following the breakup of her relationship with Tony Kanal, the bassist for No Doubt and then to add to the irony it was huge and he had to tour all over the world playing songs written about how much he sucked. I just can't imagine how hard that would have been.

5: The One That Got Away: Katy Perry - I like Katy Perry. There I said it and I don't feel bad about saying it. I like her. I enjoy here music and I think that when she chooses to she can really sing. I find her voice pleasant. I also think she is pretty but I imagine I would like her regardless. I like this song. It is a stripped down version of the radio release and it is such a sad song and really is honest about the pain of a failed relationship and how much heartbreak that it brings. Excuse me for a moment my bedroom has gotten really dusty and I am having a hard time seeing my keyboard. Crap

See you on Friday. 

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