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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

3-23-2010 (Tuesday)

Well we have survived another day and now the fallout will begin from the health care issue. President Obama is supposed to sign it into law today. I am already wondering what the next big point of contention is going to be. The only thing that I do know for sure is that there is going to be one. But that being said a friend sent this yesterday and it made me laugh. I realize not all of you may find this amusing but such is the nature of humor. I realize it is making some pretty broad statements but I nonetheless found it amusing to me.


Shakes McGee said...

Love it! Thanks for sharing!

Sherry said...

Nice! I have heard a great deal of "congratulations" from friends & clients that live overseas. Most have enjoyed a high level of government managed healthcare and though our current bill is not quite "up to par" compared to what they have, it at least gets us on the right track. :)